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What we do
Wanna rip turns like there's no tomorrow?

Well I hate to tell you, there is no tomorrow, so its a good thing you're starting now
Setting up your board

Get your setup right so that it doesn't slow you down or mess you up

Hint: both feet point the same way

Finding Gear
Did that lunch tray you stole from burger king break already?  Get set up with the trickest shite this side of a nuclear submarine, on the cheap
Eliminate your general cluelesness

(yes you)
Waxing your stick
Four out of five raceboarders recommend waxing daily, waxing is key for proper enjoyment
Who we are
Meet the raceboarders.com team riders, the dedicated and medicated individuals who go out day after day and kick ass so you don't have to

(you still can if you want)
Look like the big pimp you are with the best t-shirts and stickers ever made.  Appropriate for every occasion, always in style and smoother and more effective than wilt chamberlain and bill clinton rolled into one